Silvia Moreno-Garcia is a writer and the publisher of Innsmouth Free Press, a Canadian micro-publishing venture specializing in horror and dark speculative fiction. She is the guest editor for Nightmare's People of Colo(u)r Destroy Horror!
Mexican by birth, Canadian by inclination. Silvia’s debut novel, Signal to Noise, about music, magic and Mexico City, was released in 2015 by Solaris.
Silvia’s first collection, This Strange Way of Dying, was released in 2013 and was a finalist for The Sunburst Award for Excellence in Canadian Literature of the Fantastic. Her stories have also been collected in Love & Other Poisons. She was a finalist for the Manchester Fiction Prize and a winner of the Vanderbilt/Exile Short Fiction Competition.She has edited several anthologies, including She Walks in Shadows, Sword & Mythos, Fungi. Dead North and Fractured.
To contact Silvia e-mail her at silvia AT silviamoreno-garcia DOT com.
Silvia is represented by Eddie Schneider at the JABberwocky Literary Agency.
Four of Silvia's stories have run on Escape Artists:
Escape Pod
EP510 Them Ships, read by Dani Cutler
PP193 Bed of Scorpions, read by Christiana Ellis
PP415 Variations of Figures Upon the Wall, read by Claudia Smith
PP452 Abandon All Flesh, read by Pamila Payne