Escape Artists Wikia

Serah Eley is a software developer and former podcaster who once produced a weekly science fiction podcast called Escape Pod. It’s since gone on to become somewhat successful. She strangely mispronounced her name as Steve Eley at the time; she’s since realized that life is much more fun as a woman, and came out as transgender last year. Serah lives in Atlanta, Georgia with her two wives, Alison and Cat.

So if there were ever any betting pools on what happened to Steve: changed sex, joined a committed lesbian love triangle is the dark horse winner. She is, obviously, still Having Fun.

In 2015, Eley appeared on StarShipSofa to discuss "her remarkable transgender journey from Steve Eley creator of Escape Pod to Serah. We delve into some of the very real issues that Serah has come across, why she gave up Escape Pod and why now she has stepped away altogether from the SF field."[1]

Work on Escape Artists[]


Escape Pod


Escape Pod




  1. StarShipSofa, "StarShipSofa No 406 Zach Chapman and Kate O’Connor and Serah Eley", <>, October 14, 2015