Katherine Sparrow lives with her partner in Santa Cruz which she says “is a bit too sunny and mellow for her over-caffeinated Seattle soul.” She’s a graduate of the Clarion West Writer’s Workshop, where she learned many excellent things. She has been selling short stories here and there and is currently writing a book about teenagers and the monsters who love them. Katherine especially likes writing books, because that’s where you get to do big things. Her work has been published in Escape Pod, PodCastle, Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine and many others.
Work on Escape Artists[]
Escape Pod
- EPBonus Flash Fiction Contest Honorable Mention: , read by Rachel Swirsky
- EP226 Pirate Solutions, read by full cast: Sarah Tolbert, Kate Baker, Nate Periat, Steve Eley
- PCMini008 Believe, read by Ann Leckie
- PCMini030 Rotations and Consequences, read by Rachel Swirsky
- PC083 The Petrified Girl, read by Marguerite Croft
- PC130 Chemical Magic, read by John Meagher
- PCMini058 Before the Uprising, read by Jen Rhodes
- PCMini061 The Jacob Miracle, read by Ann Leckie
Cast of Wonders
- CW008 Alienation (Part 1), read by Graeme Dunlop
- CW009 Alienation (Part 2)