Kara Grace lives in Michigan with her beloved boyfriend, puppy, and fluffy cat, but is always dreaming of Sunset Cliffs in San Diego. She is a geography student and aspiring voice actress, and is positive she is a woodland faerie stuck in the human world.
You are most likely to find her deep in the woods admiring and making friends with bugs and other wildlife, or underwater watching the sunlight filter through the surface and hanging out with the aquatic life. She currently spends her work days trapped in an office, but looks forward to a future where she can make a living traveling as a cultural consultant, and using her voice to bring the written word to life. Feel free to contact her with projects and/or adventures.
Work on Escape Artists[]
- PP265 Baba Jibun, by Eugie Foster
- PC271 Nightfall in the Scent Garden, by Claire Humphrey
- PC178 Braiding the Ghosts, by C.S.E. Cooney
Cast of Wonders[]
- CW330 Dinovember! - The Raptor Snatchers, by Rachael K. Jones (also as CW341, a Staff Pick)