John Cmar is an infectious diseases physician in Baltimore who splits his time between treating horrors such as syphilis, and molding the next generation of doctors, while repeatedly washing his hands in between. When not herding his five cats or going fanboy over the space endeavors of his wife Moon Ranger Laura, John infectious various podcast and radio projects with his voice. He is the Chief Medical Officer and Bad Doctor in Residence at his personal blog, Saint Nickanuck.
Work on Escape Artists[]
Cast of Wonders
- CW082 Mr. Scampers War, by J. S. Bell
- CW144 The Middle Rages, by Joseph L. Kellogg
- CW121 Little Wonders V: Trope Twists - The Hero, by Jessica Holscher
- CW139 Little Wonders VI: A Little Laughter - Continue?, by James Vachowski