Elie Hirschman is a self-described “former aspiring voice actor” who has worked with Darker Projects and Dream Realm Productions and is also involved in Cool Fool Productions, turning bad audio scripts into intentionally bad comedy gold. He’s currently still active in all EA podcasts (including Cast of Wonders) and also appearing semi-regularly in the Nosleep Podcast. He doodles constantly but doesn’t draw enough and moved from the Western Hemisphere to the Eastern Hemisphere against his will and better judgment (but has never been in the Southern Hemisphere).
Elie was born in New York City and raised just outside of it. He started down the voiceover path in 2004, with formal voiceover and marketing training by Creative Voice Development Group. His professional voice work ranges from children’s educational material to real estate advice website audio, with a scientific article and a guided tour of a Polish salt mine thrown in for good measure. In his free time, Elie enjoys cartooning, listening to old-time radio drama, and referring to himself in the third person. By this time next year, he will also have mastered speaking in future perfect tense.
Work on Escape Artists[]
Escape Pod[]
- EP Flash Beachcomber by Mike Resnick
- PP079 Ice, by Heather Hatch
- PP087 A Place of Snow Angels, by Matt Wallace
- PP116 Sick Day, by Michael Chant
- PP152 Hometown Horrible, by Matthew Bey
- PP320 The Man With The Broken Soul, by Matt Wall
- PP481 Unheil, by Kathryn Allen
- PP567 Passover, by Caspian Gray
- PP621 Voices, by Ira Brooker
- PC015 The Yeti Behind You, by Jeremiah Tolbert
- PC082 The Twa Corbies, by Marie Brennan
- PC128 Something Wicked This Way Plumbs, by Vylar Kaftan
- PC260 Fine Flying Things, by Adele Gardner
- PC285 Dragonslayer, by Nathaniel Lee
Cast of Wonders[]
- CW106 Little Wonders 4 – The Journey: Treasure Hunter by Alexandra Grunberg
- CW125 The Clasp, by Jarod K. Anderson
- CW213 Beneath the Loveliest Tints of Azure, by Jeff Samson