Big Anklevich is a writer, podcaster, and a father, but not in that order. He produces The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine podcast along with co-host Rish Outfield.
Work on Escape Artists[]
- PP459 Flash on the Borderlands XXVII: What’s The Matter With Kids Today - The Last Bombardment by Kenneth Schneyer
- PP248: Killing Merwin Remis by Jason Helmandollar
- PP283: Dust Bunny by Matthew C. Dampier
- PC239 Catching the Spirit by Heather Shaw and Tim Pratt
- PC315 Stranger vs. the Malevolent Malignancy by Jim C. Hines read by a full cast!
Cast of Wonders
- CW109 Nuclear Family by Alex Shvartsman
- CW121 Little Wonders 5 – Trope Twists - Bigfeet by Michael Strickland, read with Rish Outfield