Amanda Ching is a freelance editor and writer. Her work has appeared in WordRiot, Candlemark & Gleam’s Alice: (re)Visions, and every bathroom stall on I-80 from Pittsburgh to Indianapolis.
Work on Escape Artists[]
Escape Pod[]
- EP404 Zebulon Vance Sings the Alphabet Songs of Love, by Merrie Haskell
- EP435 Made of Cats, by Judith Tarr
- EP461 Selkie Stories are for Losers (2014 Hugo Award nominee), by Sofia Samatar
- EP479 The Evening, The Morning and the Night, by Octavia Butler
- EP499 Sounding the Fall, by Jei D. Marcade
- EP508 A Day Without Sunshine, by Esther Saxey
- EP527 Plural, by Lia Swope Mitchell